

作者:     发布时间:2023-11-22    浏览次数:1076  




At 19:00 p.m. on November 15th2023, the 5th Junior English Co-perfection Curriculum Performance themed Humanistic LiteracyInternational Perspective” was held in the Qimei Hall of Honghe Experimental School Affiliated to Minzu University of China.



The performance was sponsored by our schools Teaching and Research Office, co-organized by the English Lesson Preparation Group of Junior One and the English Lesson Preparation Group of Junior Two, aiming to summarize the learning achievements of the English at this stage, show students’ understanding of Chinese and Western cultures, and constantly improve students’ core English literacy.


In this English performance, the pure and fluent spoken language of the five hosts from Grade7 and Grade8 had all the teachers and students wandering in the sea of English language. Their decent hosting led us to experience a perfect visual and auditory feast.


The 16 programs carefully rehearsed by the students were all  presented in English, closely centering on "Humanistic Literacy, International Perspective", covering English drama performance, song singing, dubbing, etc., which fully reflects the students' strong interest in learning Chinese and Western cultures. At the same time, it also enabled the students to have a deeper understanding of our school's educational philosophy of "all beauty is beautiful, and beauty is shared".



The opening performance of the show, Dream it Possible, vividly demonstrated the students’ determination to pursue their dreams.



The theatrical drama Mulan Joined the Army, which was full of Chinese elements, portrayed a heroic image of a brave and determined woman who loves everyone and her country, and showed the strong patriotism of ancient Chinese people.



The performance You Raise Me Up has reflected that the students care about the humanistic and are grateful for the silent support and watch.



The famous Chinese novel Water Margin reproduces the classic story of Wu Song Fights the Tiger. Students use humorous and vivid way to perform the show from another angle, so that students can understand the wonderful plot, and let the audience understand the protection of animals and nature.



Song We Are The Brave tells us we may meet many setbacks on our way of growth, but as long as we have aspirations, we have the ability to become stronger.



The profoundly meaningful dream My Own Swordsman taught us to know knowledge is power,everyone try to face up to the troubles in our lives and to find out the answers.



The program dubbing and chorus One Day shows the students' strong desire for a peaceful and beautiful world.



Journey to the West is a well-known Chinese novel. It is common to know the story of the four masters and apprentices who went through many difficulties. Students' interesting performances and wonderful plots let students enjoy the charm of English.



The performance Try Everything, vividly demonstrated the students’ positive attitude towards life and their courage and determination to face setbacks.


一个额头上有闪电疤痕,戴着圆圆小眼镜的瘦弱男孩,成为魔法师,和两个最好的朋友一起去抵抗邪恶…… 哈利波特系列对于每个学习英语的孩子是很重要。它让我们懂得勇敢无畏,永不言弃的精神。

A thin boy with a lightning scar on his forehead and small round glasses. He becomes a magician and fights evil with his two best friends... The Harry Potter series is very important for every child to learn English. It teaches us to be brave and never give up.



The song my stupid heart, the melody is beautiful and the rhythm is bright, won applause and cheers from the audience, forming a sea of passion on and off the stage.



The drama A Wolf ans Seven Sheep is form Grimm's Fairy Tales. The rich plot, vivid characters, and tense atmosphere deeply attract students.



The profoundly meaningful song Monster taught us to face the monsters in our heart bravely.



Drama Sing tells us an important truth of life. When life falls into rock bottom, there's only one way to go. Never giving up is our attitude and the beacon that guides the way of life.



Drama Coco is a happy and touching show, which was full of Mexican cultural elements. The show tells the story of a young boy who loves music, Miguel, and a musician, Hector. They began the adventure story of a journey to the land of the dead.



The performance ended with the song Good Time. Don't let the trivialities and troubles in life turn us away from happiness. Let us enjoy every moment and the good times we have together. 




At the end of the performance, we have the honor to invite Ms. Huang Xuanxian, the English teaching and research leader, to comment on the performance.

With hope, joy and love, we've had a great night. English learning is a great journey in which you open up to the world, embrace diverse culture, and grow to be international! English learning is great fun.I'm so glad and proud that you've devoted all your effort and passion in your wonderful performance.You've make great progress. You've made a great success! Just keep learning, Just trying. Remember: good better best. Never let it rest, till good is better and better is best! You're the best!



The Co-perfection Performance of the "Humanistic Literacy, International Perspective" has come to a successful end. The performance has received the gracious concern and attention of the school leaders, which reflects the core concept of the school Perfection of Each Makes Perfection of All.


The performance fully demonstrates the charm and vitality of our junior middle school students.The program is not only a process for students to improve their English application ability, but also greatly improves their English communication ability and humanistic quality in practice, having showed the charm of English thoroughly in their study. It truly has set up a stage for students to exercise themselves and show themselves, practices their oral English communication ability, having improved their confidence and enthusiasm in learning English.


We will continue to work hard to develop English language education, foster students’ English core literacy, spread the broad and profound Chinese culture and cultivate students’ humanistic literacy.